American Farmhouses

Farmhouse is a term used most often used to describe function.
The design of the historical farmhouse was influenced by geography. The style comes from the characteristics of place, people, climate and materials available in the particular region where it was located. True farmhouses were those built by early colonial families of the 1700s. The owners would most likely have built the homes themselves, rather than hiring an architect to do the job.
Once railroads could travel cross-country by the mid-19th century, it became possible for materials to be transported from elsewhere. This opened the door for the farmhouse to take on many different personalities. Houses that once may have been built of mud, stone or logs could now be built with lumber, brick and quarried stone. Because people with common backgrounds settled together, German immigrants for example, might have masonry skills. Houses in their area would have more brick than in other areas. Thus the name “German Farmhouse” evolved.
Farmhouse style of design is all about simple organic style, light colors, simple lines and details. Light colors are characteristic for the farmhouse style. Historically, this is due to the fact that people did not have access to colored finishes. Today white walls have become the perfect backdrop for interior décor. Lighting fixtures have simple shapes in farmhouse design,and lanterns are very often seen in interiors as well as chandeliers from wood and wrought iron.
Farmhouse kitchens are created to be used! These kitchens are iconic with friendliness and a welcoming atmosphere. The kitchen is the heart of a farmhouse home. It is the place to eat, cook, and gather. Farmhouse kitchens are in general spacious, comfortable and unpretentious. The farmhouse kitchen featured open shelves, wood cabinetry, sometimes without doors, so that access to dishware and various utensils is easy and quick. Wooden countertops and freestanding cupboards are also characteristic elements that are often seen in farmhouse kitchens.
Rural – Farmhouses were located on agricultural land and were designed to function around a farming lifestyle.
Functional – Porches were a transitional space in a farmhouse. People could leave their muddy boots outside so the wooden floors inside stayed clean.
Formal and informal – The front of the house served as the formal area, and a large kitchen and the staircase to the bedrooms were located in the back.